"You saved my personal belongings."

Dear Chris & the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,
Thank you for your help in making a payment towards my storage unit, which saved my personal belongings. Sarah from SVdP sent $125 towards my Public Storage unit last week and I appreciate her so much and your help. Since then, I have paid the rest of the storage up-to-date and have been able to move a lot of family photos, family belongings, and clothes I need to interview and work to my new apartment by St Francis Center. Without your help, I would have lost everything in storage to an auction on the 30th of this month.
I cannot thank you enough for your help and for making my 2013 Christmas a joyful time. I placed my mother's hand-embroidered Christmas table cloth on the dining room table and the pitcher she had since the 1970s on the refrigerator, and a special vase she gave me as a child out on display -- making the apartment feel like home. You have been very generous and I plan on fully repaying you for your kindness and help as soon I can do so. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you and yours at St Vincent de Paul Society.